Posting For the Highest Bidder
For the sake of argument, imagine the following, along with me: My blog has caught fire in recent months, and averages 50,000 readers each day (I realize this is a little low, but again, use your imagination). I have an annoying hyperactive Geico lizard that zaps its tongue all over the page while you read,…
The Eternal Debate: PC vs. Mac
I think most of you know that I am now a bona-fide Mac user, and in general this statement alone causes one of three reactions: You make the “Oh, God, it’s one of those snobby Mac lovers that is going to lecture me for ten minutes on why my computer sucks” face. You pump a…
The Guide to Know Whether Or Not Your Roommates Have Fur
Many of you out there have probably lived with a cat at some point. And I don’t mean those foxy ladies that slipped into your dorm room for a few days back in 1974. I mean actual cats. The kind that are full of hair and inconsistently bounce between “I love you” and “Dude, seriously,…
Green Bay and Grey Goose
For those that aren’t aware, my wife and I had the opportunity this past weekend of attending a Green Bay Packers game at Lambeau Field (Wisconsin), thanks to my brother. Five of us made the trip, including my father and my brother’s girlfriend. All in all, it was a lot of fun–especially with a rowdy 38-7…
The Lost Experience
For those that know me well, you’re probably thinking right now that this post has been a long time coming. Too long in coming. But it’s here now, and all I ask, honored guest, is that you read it with an open mind. Because it may change your life forever. All right, so I have…
The Digital Age (Part II)
There hasn’t been this much excitement about a “To Be Continued…” event since Ross had to choose between Rachel and Julie! Thank you for the hundreds of letters that flooded our mailbox here at home. As a result, Part II is now here, sponsored by Coors Light. And what does Part II have to do…
The Digital Age (Part I)
Isn’t it funny how technology can literally change everything about how people interact? Not only the method, but the actual way in which we do it–such as what we say and how we say it. It happens very slowly over time, so that you don’t realize everything is different until you look back to where…
A Life of Champions
Sports is a craze that has swept through our nation for years, bringing more elation than most mortals would have dreamed possible. Just as men are undeniably mystified when a woman cries over Steel Magnolias for the fourteenth time, many women are absolutely lost when understanding how one can combine big, sweaty men with some…
What It Means To Be Republican
I have no idea, because I’m not one. Next topic. Which is, thanks to Kurt Busch winning this past weekend’s Subway Fresh 500 at Phoenix International Raceway, the topic of geeks. Entire books have been written on the subject, but not a single person has read them: because if you’re not a geek, you don’t…
Everything is almost ready. At last. The largest church in the world sits dormant, but only for a a few hours–for this evening the world will experience the very reason for its existence. Nothing will compare to this. Entire counties of people will swoon, caught in the exhilaration of what can only be described as…