Twitter vs. Facebook
As both networks increasingly catch on within the masses (including everything from grandmothers to six year-olds), I hear more and more people express confusion about the differences between Twitter and Facebook. Why use one and not the other? Or should it be both? Both sites let you keep in touch with friends, send private messages,…
The Things To Know About Facebook
So you’ve heard of it before, and now you’re starting to really hear about it. Then comes the dreaded, “Everyone else is doing it!” Not wanting to be left out, you sign up, and you’re now staring at a hundred different things, all looking for your attention. No, you’re not Octomom. You’re a Facebook user.…
The Eternal Debate: PC vs. Mac
I think most of you know that I am now a bona-fide Mac user, and in general this statement alone causes one of three reactions: You make the “Oh, God, it’s one of those snobby Mac lovers that is going to lecture me for ten minutes on why my computer sucks” face. You pump a…